Medias מדיה
Aderet Ambash, chairwomen of KAMA and Shiran Ambash, Secretary General of KAMA interviewed by journalists Avri Gilad and Tali Metz /Israeli TV /chanel 13 (Morning News program « Haolam haboker »), 24/6/19.
Interview about their new political party, KAMA = Promoting status of individuals.
Ambash Ladies interviewed by Maor Tzur, TV news, Chanel 10, 20:00,15/4/18
Chanel 10: We’ll present you Daniel Ambash’s partners... D.A, "hed of a sect", was convicted 5 years ago for serious sexual offenses and abuse on his wives and children. Now his 4 partners request the right to visit him (which they were forbidden to for the past 7 years) and they also request for conjugal visits in jail. Each separately. And together? The reason they ask is that some want to have more children and they claim it’s their basic right. Maor Tzur, our police affairs reporter, interviewed the Ambash Ladies
The struggle for conjugality.
Maor Tzur: The small camera of Daniel Ambash's partners records everything, even their own interview with Chanel 10’s cameras. Why?
Aderet Ambash : I have been living with the wonderful Ambash family for 18 years. We always used to document our lives, even when we were at home. But lately our small camera has become our weapon against media disinformation.
M.T: And now the four partners of D.A are asking the Prison Service to allow each one of them to have conjugal visits with him, each one separately as the Torah recommends. And also together?
Shiran Ambash: We are friends and our partner is our commun friend. Our story is a special story. I will not only fight for my right to visit my partner, Aderet is also Daniel's partner, Azamra is also Daniel's partner and Ilana is Daniel’s first partner. So the four of us should certainly ask four conjugal visits.
M.T: And don't you mind if an other women is alone with your partner?
Shiran: On the contrary!
Aderet: Each one of us has a good reason for wanting to be alone with Daniel. I am 45 now. I don't know how long I still can have children. They made me barren.
M.T: The story of Daniel Ambash's polygamous cult exploded seven years ago. Police raided the family's homes in Jerusalem and Tiberias and arrested him on suspicion of sexual offenses and abuse.
The court convicted D.A of sadistic abuse on women and children, including beatings and sexual offenses. Today, after seven years, most of his partners still live together, still consider themselves "married", still love him. And still claim the police sewed a false case against him with false accusations.
Aderet: They tried to base the entire Ambash case on a comparison with guru Goel Ratzon’s case. It's a very absurd way of proceeding. In our case they succeeded to produce false witnesses by applying very harsh pressure in the interrogation rooms, using threats, blackmailing and violence.
M.T: Lawyer Rely Avisar represents the partners of Daniel Ambash.
Lawyer Rely Avisar: The State refuses the fact a man maintains constant relationships with several women. It reinforces the idea he must have created a kind of a cult with brainwashed followers. The State can not believe non brainwashed women would choose such a non normative and non established way of life. But no one bothered to ask the women their opinion or their point of vue about it, which is a duty.
M.T: According to the women, it’s a matter of freedom to choose how to live. As far as they are concerned, the court and the Israeli society has not yet realized that this was their free choice.
Shiran: It's our life, it's not some kind of fling. This world is a world of choice. God did so, that man has a choice. A person should be responsible for his actions. And I choose to share my life and my partner with my best friends. Every one, when he finds his beloved one says there is no one like her, no one like him. That's how it came out. It just happened our union is one with four. By chance it just turned out like this. And people have to take it in consideration.
M.T: Today, the women claim that the Prison Service should allow them to visit Daniel Ambash (simple visits & conjugal visits). Visits are a basic right. Some want to give birth to children. And because they used to live polygamously, the women demand the right to maintain the special character of their relationship. And to allow the four of them to visit him.
M.T: What does the Israel Prison Service answer? Yes, the Prison Service told us that a prisoner is entitled to receive conjugal visits from his permanent and common-law partner. But it's important to have in mind that conjugality is a benefit and not a vested right. Unofficially, senior officials of the Prison Service estimate that the request of the four women will be rejected, which will probably lead them to court, and this will certainly be an interesting debate..
Ambash Ladies: State prosecuter witness - echo's the State of hell, satyrical video, YouTube 2018
עד מדינה - הד מדינה של גיהנום
Ambash Ladies; Duel between one wife of Goel Ratzon and one Ambash Lady, satyrical video, YouTube 2018
נשות גואל רצון VS נשות אמבש / דו קרב ! בואו לראות יש מכות !
Ambash Ladies; I refused to lie and become a State witness against an innocent and found myself in prison with a criminal indictment, Youtube 2018
סרבתי לשקר ולהפוך לעדת מדינה נגד חף מפשע ומצאתי את עצמי בכלא עם כתב אישום פלילי.
Ambash Ladies; How can anyone become a State Witness for the prosecution against anyone (against his neighbor, his doctor, his teacher, his sister, his love, etc…), YouTube 2018
עדי מדינה / תיעוד מצמרר - איך ניתן להפוך כל אדם לעד מדינה ?!
Israel Ambash; How did Israel Ambash become a State witness against his father? They threatened me saying you are free to choose : our version of the facts or yours (if it’s yours, you go to jail ), You Tube 2018
איך הפך ישראל אמבש לעד מדינה נגד אביו : איימו עליי שאם לא אשקר כרצונם יכניסו אותי לכלא /2018
"They decided to label us as sex slaves", The Ambash Ladies, by R2DIP, 2018
נשות אמבש: הם החליטו לעשות מאיתנו שפחות מין , 2018
Daniel Ambash's Kangaroo Trial, 2017 (in Hebrew, English subtitles)
Kangaroo Trial is a documentary film about an Israeli trial.
What is a "decent society"? Do women, in the State of Israel, have the right to chose their own way of life?
Produced in 2017 by R2DIP, a European Association - thanks to the International Support Committee to the Artist Daniel Ambash and to the International Support Committee to the teenager Israel Ambash - this video raises important questions . It also denounces, with supporting evidences, a trial based on false testimonies violently instigated by the Israeli authorities (police, welfare, prosecutors) along with a media lynching.
Kangaroo Trial, film documentaire, a pour sujet un procès israélien.
Qu'est qu'une "société décente"? Les femmes ont-elles le droit, dans l'État d'Israël, de choisir leur propre mode de vie?
Produite en 2017 par l'association européenne R2DIP - merci au Comité International de Soutien à l'artiste Daniel Ambash et au Comité International de Soutien à l'adolescent Israel Ambash - cette vidéo soulève d'importantes questions . Elle dénonce aussi, preuves à l'appui, un procès fondé sur de faux témoignages violemment incités par les autorités israéliennes (police, services sociaux, procureurs) parallèlement à un lynchage médiatique.
Video of Ambash Ladies invited for a conference in Majdi Forum, Kfar Saba, October 2017
צפה ב-'איך סטיות מיניות של עיתונאים מובילות לשפיכות דמים / נשות אמבש' ב-YouTube
Journalists and police officers personally brought to justice, accused of treachery (revealing defense secrets), corruption, rape, peddle rumors in the Media against the AmbashFamily, before the trial started, without bringing the world proof, YouTube, October 2017
Avant que ne débute le procès, des journalistes et policiers, personnellement mis en cause par la justice, accusés de traitrise ( révélation de secrets défense ), de corruption, de viols, colportent des rumeurs dans les Médias contre la famille Ambash sans apporter la moindre preuve, YouTube, Octobre 2017
The Ambash ladies interviewed, in their home, by journalist, Amnon Levy , famous program "True faces" on israeli channel 10, june 2017
Amnon Levi: I'm pinching myself ... So let's start from the beginning... None of you is the first wife. A man proposes to become your partner and he is already married and has more than one wife...
Shiran Ambash : It's really not our story ! Aderet Ambash: We'll stop you right now, it wasn' t at all like this… it was just the opposite !
(Everyone laughs)
Amnon Levi: Poor Daniel, how did he manage with all of you ? …Interesting ! interesting ! and incomprehensible to me ... You are charming, I must admit, and you really don't look like battered women ! ... I wish the phone call will be from who you expect it to be. And that your truth will be the one the Supreme Court will adopt.
22/06/17: Maariv Newspaper photographs & interviews the Ambash Ladies
23/05/17, RADIO 103 FM (MAARIV)
2 Israeli journalists, Dana Spectur & Ran Sanig, interview Shiran Ambash
Should a man living with 6 women get out of prison? Shiran, Daniel Ambash's sixth wife : "They tried to humiliate us calling us slaves". Daniel Ambash has been jailed for six years because he married six women (halachic weddings not civil registered weddings). Shiran Ambash, his sixth wife, claims he is innocent and calls for his release : "We decided to live this way because of love"
Ambash Ladies interviewed on Israeli TV (Aroutz 1), news prime time, July 2016, two weeks before Daniel Ambash's appeal.
Ambash Ladies on TV, Channel 1, 23/3/16
נשות אמבש בערוץ 1 , 23/3/16
Ambash Ladies: book signing event in the Cinematheque 2016' ב-YouTube
Ambash Ladies: présentation et signature de leur livre à la Cinémathèque, Mars 2016, You tube
פה ב-'השקת הספר של נשות אמבש בסינמטק, you tube
Powerpoint 35’, Amit Davidoff, youtube 2016
Powerpoint 35', Amit Davidoff, youtube 2016
youtube, 2016, משפט אמבש לינץ' על חף מפשע/ חדש מוועידת התמיכה הבינלאומית להוכחת חפותו של דניאל אמבש
קראו לנו "שפחות", סרט קצר, 23 דק' ,2016
"They call us slaves", english subtitles, 23 mn, 2016
In the short documentary film about the Ambash Ladies, They call us slaves , important personalities and professors are involved:
Ambash Ladies/ Professor Boaz Songero,
Professor Boaz Songero is a leading authority on criminal law. He is the Hed of the Criminal Law & Criminology Department at the College of Law and Business he founded in Ramat Gan, and wrote more then 50 articles : How You Could Land in Jail for Committing no Crime (Haaretz journal, 2014) and several books : Convicting the Innocent- Causes and Solutions (2014), Safety from false convictions (2016)Ambash Ladies/ Emmanouil Athanasiou,
Emmanouil Athanasiou is an International Human Right Lawyer, office in Paris and in Athens. He worked in China, in USA : cases of death sentence, in Athens : cases of Syrian refugees-Ambash Ladies/ Professor Esther Herzog, expert in Social Anthropology and feminist activist.
Professor Esther Herzog has been denouncing, for the past 20 years, the abuse of power of the Israeli Social Workers: "On behalf of the welfare of children, the worse things are being done to the children" Esther Herzog
Ambash Ladies : Ilana Ambash interviewed by 124News TV. "30 years you lived with Daniel Ambash, 10 babies and you are forbidden to visit him in jail for the past 6 years? is it true that free and independent journalist of Haaretz interviewed the Ambash Ladies during 10 days and then was forbidden to tell your story ?" satirical video, YouTube, 2017
Ambash Ladies Gag Order, 2016
2016 ,נשות אמבש איסור פרסום
Ambash Ladies: what is " mental slavery "; satirical video, 2016
Ambash Ladies: Judge Zaban believes the State witness , " I inserted snakes and cockroaches into my genitals " ; satirical video, 2016
Ambash Ladies: the judgment believes "we ate poop" in "our sadistic cult" ; satirical video, 2016
Ambash Ladies - the crazy sexual lies of ("ed medina") "state prosecutor witness", satirical video, youtube 2016
Rachel Lichtenstein, director of the Israeli Center for Victims of Cults : " We made up Daniel Ambash's case and received a price for it in the Knesset "; satirical video of Ambash Ladies, 2016
Leah Klein Eliav, guardian ad litem, drinks the blood of Daniel Ambash's children, satirical video of Ambash Ladies, 2016
Lea klein Eliav, guardian ad litem, dictates her judgment to the juges; satirical video of Ambash Ladies, 2016
Leah Klein Eliav, guardian ad litem, persuading Akiva, son of Ilana & Daniel Ambash, that his father is a monster and his mother is a devil ; satirical video of Ambash Ladies, 2016
Ambash Ladies: Aderet Ambash meeting with an Israeli social worker who tries to convince her she is just a brainwashed puppet and a poor victim, satirical video, 2016
Ambash Ladies: looking for a devoted, honest, lawyer; satirical video, 2016
Azamra Ambash's police investigation; satirical video of Ambash Ladies, 2016
Aderet Ambash's police investigation; satirical video of Ambash Ladies, 2016
Arab friend from jail of the Ambash ladies
נשות אמבש חברה ערביה מהכלא
Lisa Wolfus, Jerusalem District Prosecutor, interview: "I am proud of having succeeded to trap D. ( Ambash) in a 26 year jail sentence, anything was good to succeed"; satirical video of Ambash Ladies, 2016
Sagi Ofir, Jerusalem District Prosecutor, interview : "I forced Ambash children to do perjury against their father for the sake of justice", satirical video of Ambash Ladies, 2016
Ambash Ladies : B., stepson of Daniel Ambash, invited to lie on Paz Schwartz’s TV show “The lonely soldiers”, channel 10 - satirical video, 2016
Ambash Ladies in a nightly television program : we are not slaves, the State of Israel gaged us, Daniel is innocent
Satyrical video, 2016. Ambash Ladies in Mamila; someone is brainwashed?
Ambash Ladies / American Women
Ambash Ladies: Ayala Ason,TV Journalist, (aroutz 10, Channel 10), presents her report against the Ambash Ladies , satirical video, 2016, Youtube
Ambash Ladies: Israel Ambash's experience. What happened to him when he admitted perjury against his father and was "treated", for admitting false testimony, by Dr Tania Sherter, in psychiatric hospital of Eitanim. Satyrical video, August 2016
Ambash Ladies : What really irritates people in the lifestyle of the 'Ambash Ladies'? satyrical video, 2016, youtube
Daniel Ambash and Azamra Ambash's son sings "mode ani", 2005
Ambash Ladies :What happened to the children who fought at the beginning for their father and claimed in court Daniel Ambash’s innocence ? 2016
Aderet Ambash describes the children's situation after the dismantling of their family, 2016
נשות אמבש בסדרת המערכונים הסאטירים בתגובה לשרשרת כתבות הדיבה שגרמו להרשעת חף מפשע ולחורבן בית משפחת אמבש. פרטים נרחבים,סרטים,סרטונים,realty TV, כתבות, מכתבים, הופעות בלוג ועוד באתר הבינלאומי: WWW.DANIELAMBASH.INFO האישה השניה של דניאל אמבש, היתה נשואה איתו 15 שנים ומיום מעצר המשפחה ב-4 ליולי 2011 העידה לטובתו בחקירות המשטרה ובבית המשפט ונלחמה למען הוכחת חפותו במשך 3 שנים, עד למועד גזר הדין הנפשע ל-26 שנות מאסר; אז החליטה לעזוב, לשלוח שליח לגירושים מס' 7, (סיפור אמיתי) וניתקה קשר עם נשות אמבש ודניאל.
Looking for the 8th husband
Daniel Ambash's second partner, E. (56 years old, 5 children, only 1 child with Daniel Ambash) lived 16 years with him, then she worked for his defense for the 2 years following his arrest., E. was claiming Daniel Ambash is innocent, that she has grate love and recognition for him. (Read her lettrers, rubric: LETTERS AFTER ARREST). In April 2013, E. testified in court as a defense witness. Since July 4th 2011 (day of arrest) till october18th 2013 (day of sentence), 5 out of 6 Ambash Ladies were fighting to clear Daniel Ambash from his charges. One months after Daniel Ambash was sentenced to 26 years in prison, E. divorced and cut all relationships with the 4 other partners: Ilana, Azamra, Aderet, Shiran. Today E. is spreading gossips against Daniel Ambash and his 4 faithful partners, the 'Ambash Ladies'. She is Looking for the 8TH husband.
E. la deuxième partenaire de Daniel Ambash (56 ans, 5 enfants dont 1avec Daniel Ambash) a vécu 16 ans avec lui, puis a travaillé à sa défense les 2 ans qui on suivi son arrestation. E.
clamait l'innocence de Daniel Ambash, son amour et sa grande reconnaissance à son égard (Lire ses lettres, rubrique: LETTERS AFTER ARREST). En avril 2013, E. a témoigné comme témoin à décharge. Du 4 juillet 2011(jour de l'arrestation) jusqu'au 18 octobre 2013 (jour de la sentence), 5 sur 6 compagnes Ambash se sont battues pour que Daniel Ambash soit innocenté des accusations portées contre lui. Un mois après la condamnation à 26 ans de prison, E. divorce et rompt toutes relations avec les 4 autres partenaires : Ilana, Azamra, Aderet, Shiran. Aujourd'hui E. se répand en médisances contre Daniel Ambash et les 4 'Ambash Ladies' demeurées fidèles. Elle est En quête du 8ème mari.
E., second partner of Daniel Ambash, interviewed by israeli TV in 2013. She fought for his defense three years long and left him after the sentence day condemning him to 26 years of jail -You tube
E., deuxième compagne de Daniel Ambash, interviewée par la TV israélienne en 2013, s'est battue pour sa défense durant trois. Elle l'a quitté le lendemain de la sentence le condamnant à 26 ans de réclusion - You tube
Shortcuts featuring Daniel קיצורי דרך שמציעה דניאל
A quick overview סקירה מהירה
Family life חיי משפחה
Music & dance מוסיקה וריקודים
Family relationships קשרי משפחה
1990, Rabbi Israel Dov Odesser שנת 1990, רבי ישראל דב אודסר.
Dutch TV, April 2011 הסרט ההולנדי