Books / CDCD / ספרים
A new book : Israel Ambash, 14 years old, forced to give false testimony against his father (titre en italique), February 2017
For his 19th birthday, Israel Ambash, the son of Ilana and Daniel Ambash, publishes his book, supported by 2 associations (Israeli association : ע.ל.י.ה - For the rights of Children and Parents; European association: R2DIP - Réseau de Recherches des Discours Institutionnels & Politiques)
When Israel Ambash was 13 years old, all his reference points suddenly shattered. The French-Israeli teenager witnessed his father’s arrest, his being labeled by the media, yet before his trial: “the leader of the sadistic cult of Jerusalem”. Israel was separated from his 12 brothers and sisters and placed into a closed institution. All of a sudden his mother stopped visiting and calling him; the social workers lied, claiming that his mother was angry against him. As a matter of fact she was imprisoned for a whole year (convicted for the charge of meeting family members she was forbidden to meet), which her son learned only 6 months later. Israel’s trauma had just begun. Subjected to blackmail, threats of incarceration, psychological and physical violence from the authorities in charge of him (police, prosecutors, social workers and boarding team), Israel, 14 years old, was forced to provide false testimony against his father. Three days after his false testimony, he attempted suicide. At the age of 16 and a half, he was forcibly interned in a psychiatric hospital. From there, Israel secretly wrote an 11-pages letter to the Judges of the Supreme Court of Israel. Today, 18 years old, Israel tells his courageous struggle. His book also gives voice to the caregivers who helped him to overcome his trauma and his guilt feelings, as well as to Israeli and international experts in the matter of child abuse by State authorities.
(Dr M. Iancu, Psychiatrist & Court Expert; Prof. G.-E. Sarfati, Philosopher, Victimologist & Logotherapist; Dr J.L., Bio-Psychotherapist; A. Zelmati, Coach; M. Yachad, Nurse; Lawyer E. Athanasiou, International Human Rights Expert; Prof. B. Sangero, Criminologist; Prof. E. Herzog, Social Anthropologist & Feminist Activist; A. Davidoff, Investigative Journalist.)
A l’âge de 13 ans, tous les points de références d’Israël Ambash volèrent soudain en éclat. L'adolescent franco-israélien fût témoin de l'arrestation de son père, étiqueté par les médias, longtemps avant que ne débute son procès, comme « chef de la secte sadique de Jérusalem». Israël fût séparé de ses 12 frères et sœurs et placé dans une institution fermée. Du jour au lendemain, sa mère cessa de lui rendre visite et de lui téléphoner ; les assistantes sociales mentirent à Israël, affirmant que sa mère était en colère contre lui. En vérité, sa mère fût incarcérée pendant un an (condamnée pour avoir enfreint l’interdiction de rencontrer certains membres de sa famille), ce que son fils ne découvrit que 6 mois plus tard. Le trauma d'Israël ne faisait que commencer. Soumis à des chantages, à des menaces d'emprisonnement, aux violences psychologiques et physiques des autorités responsables de lui (police, procureurs, travailleurs sociaux, éducateurs), Israël, âgé de 14 ans, fût contraint de faire un faux témoignage contre son père. Trois jours après son faux témoignage, il tenta de se suicider. À l'âge de 16 ans et demi, Israel fût interné de force dans un hôpital psychiatrique. De l’hôpital, il écrivit secrètement une lettre de 11 pages aux juges de la Cour Suprême d'Israël. Aujourd'hui, 18 ans, Israël raconte son courageux combat. Son livre donne également la parole aux thérapeutes qui l'ont aidé à surmonter son trauma et ses sentiments de culpabilité, ainsi qu'à des experts, israéliens et internationaux, en matière d’abus sur mineurs de la part d’autorités d’État.
(Dr M.Iancu, Psychiatre et Expert des Tribunaux, Prof.G-E. Sarfati, Philosophe, Victimologue et Logothérapeute, Dr J.L, Bio-Psychothérapeute, A.Zelmati, Coach, M.Yachad, Infirmière, Avocat E.Athanasiou, Expert International des Droits de l’Homme; Prof. B.Sangero, Criminologue; Prof. E.Herzog, Anthropologue Sociale et militante féministe; A.Davidoff, Journaliste d’investigation.)
2 new DVD, Nov. 2016
The Ambash Affair, the Lynching of an Innocent
L'Affaire Ambash; le Lynchage d'un Innocent
The Ambash Ladies
Les Ambash Ladies
Daniel Ambash's songs from prison, 2016
The name of this song is: Olam chadash
It means 'A New World', 2010
Two books published in December 2015 about the Ambash Affair, written by Ilana, Azamra, Aderet and Shiran Ambash, introduced by Emmanouil Athanasiou, International Human Right Lawyer, and by Georges-Elia Sarfati, French and Israeli University Professor, Philosopher and Psychoanalyst.
Ambash Affair, L'Harmattan, France
When six women decide to marry one men, Israel.
Download the Hebrew book • Download the English translation
CD and DVD
Music for a song, 2010